Saturday, May 31st
The Variety article linked above is about the efforts of our trucking company, Clark Transfer, to make the industry a little greener. Spamalot is one of the shows participating in the project. We pay extra to offset the carbon emitted by our 8 trucks as they bring the show to the people.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Greener Touring
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11:53 AM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Monday, May 26th
Perhaps arriving by plane isn't the magical and glamorous arrival that it once was. (I'm thinking of those black and white newsreels of stars emerging from planes in the early days of transcontinental flight with Sinatra's Come Fly With Me playing in the background.) However, soaring above New York harbor, past the Statue of Liberty, along the east side of Manhattan, past both Shea Stadium and Yankee Stadium before finally circling Laguardia is a pretty great way to arrive back home. Likewise flying in over Lake Michigan, past the spires of downtown Chicago and dipping down into O'Hare is pretty great.
Last night's arrival in Minneapolis was unexpectedly spectacular. When we left Grand Rapids, there was some pretty heavy weather over Minneapolis: tornadoes, thunderstorms and large hail. We flew around most of the storm with only a few bumps. As we got near MSP the sun was dropping low and the light started to take on a bright orange hue. The thunderheads were magnificent just to the east of the airport. The setting sun turned the Mississippi River and all the surrounding lakes into brilliant orange mirrors. The buildings of downtown Minneapolis also glinted in the distance. It was a beautiful welcome to a great city.
Taxiing to our gate (photo from Gurr's cell)
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2:20 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Virtual Shot Night
I signed up for shot night intending to make a bacon bourbon cocktail. When that experiment didn't go as well as I had hoped, I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do about my impending shot night. I decided to go local and feature a Michigan specialty. It wasn't immediately apparent how to make Archway cookies into a shot, so I was left with Vernors and cherries. I did some research on ginger ale drinks and cherry drinks. I went to the liquor store with recipes for both in my pocket, but ended up going a bit off script.
This one was a surprise hit! I got it as sort of an extra throw in to be different. The bottle suggested serving it warm in the cooler months and I warmed it to make it different than anything else I had on offer. It didn't smell very good, but tasted quite lovely. David Havasi suggested that this would be the perfect apre-ski drink and I think he hit the nail on the head. It really warmed your insides.
I knew we had several stout fans in the Spamily, so this one was a natural. I enjoy all the craft beers that Bell's produces (especially the summer brew: Oberon) so I was confident this would be a winner. Bell's produces this brew during the winter months, so I was a little bit lucky to find this one still on the shelf. It had strong coffee and chocolate overtones with a smooth cherry finish. Gurr, Cuz and Tony especially dug this one. At the end of the night there were a couple of bottles of Cherry Stout left over and I happily stuck them in my trunk to be finished off later.
Paula especially liked the cherry wine
Kreik (Cherry) Lambic from Lindemans, Vlezenbeek, Belgium
The only non-native product on offer. I knew, however, how popular the Belgian Lambics are. Sheila Marie adores the raspberry version and lots of folks pick a lambic when we go out to the Flying Saucer or another of the million beer bars. This one didn't disappoint: they were the first bottles empty.

sweet cherries.
- Most of Michigan’s cherries are grown in the Grand Traverse Bay Region (the pinkie finger of the mitten).

- Cherries are high in potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C and beta-carotene.
- Cherries have been shown to reduce arthritis pain and inflammation thanks to their anthocyanins (which are also responsible for the cherry’s red color).
- A cherry pie contains about 250 cherries. That’s roughly 28 pies per tree!
- Cherries were brought to America by Europeans in the 17th century.
- The National Cherry Festival is held each July in Traverse City, MI (the “cherry capital of the world”).

- Most of the cherries grown in Michigan are of the Montemorency variety. Sweet Royal Ann cherries are grown to be made into maraschino cherries.
- Cherries are harvested in late July by shaking the tree and letting the fruit fall onto a canvas laid around the tree’s base.
Everyone seemed to dig my Michigan cherry themed shot night. The last of us were still sitting around on the trunks that line the hallway laughing and talking past 11 o'clock.
Posted by
8:56 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008
When Worlds Collide
Friday, May 23rd
Our publicity people sent along this bit of proposed advertising the other day:
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9:54 AM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Happy Birthday to My Beautiful Wife
Saturday, May 17th
Happy Birthday, Sheila Marie!
This is, of course, the second year in a row we've spent her birthday apart, and for that I am truly sorry. However, I'm sending love and best wishes from Madison.
Thank you, Star, for keeping the home fires burning and for taking such good care of the three strange little men who live with us. June is too far away.
Posted by
11:48 AM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Baseball With the Roof On
Miller Park
Miller Park replaced Milwaukee County Stadium with its opening in 2001. In fact, County Stadium was demolished and most of the former stadium sight was converted to parking for Miller Park, but the infield was saved and is now home to Helfaer Field a little league park. Miller Park is surrounded by an ocean of parking lots. Though Milwaukee is the smallest market in major league baseball, they have some very loyal and enthusiastic fans. When Matt and I arrived at the ballpark an hour and a half before the first pitch, there were lots tailgating fans. I've never seen baseball tailgating like this: people had tents, grills, lots of beer and folks were tossing beanbags all over the parking lot - it had the feel of a college football Saturday.
Tailgating before the game
The Cards take BP
Matt watches his Cards take BP
Pujolis signs autographs
Fried cheese curds, a bratwurst with kraut & a beer - that's what's for dinner!
The view from our seats
Bernie's Dugout and slide
Third inning fireworks
Molina tossing his gear on the plate while LaRussa argues
The sausages prepare to race
The Great Sausage Race
Miller Park's "Brew Crew" lead the singing of Take Me Out to the Ballgame at the seventh inning stretch while they throw bags of peanuts into the crowd. Right after the traditional seventh inning stretch, they then lead the crowd in The Beer Barrel Polka. The Brew Crew then polka atop the dugouts. I love the ballparks that have these sorts of regionalisms! In Cincinnati they played Take Me to the River; in both ballparks in Texas they played Deep In the Heart of Texas; at Yankee Stadium we're meant to dance to Cotton Eyed Joe?!?!
The Spamalot tour has been very kind to me in terms of baseball. Monday's game was my 19th on the road. I've been to 6 new major league parks (Miller Park, Great American Ballpark, Coors Field, the Metrodome, Minute Maid Field and the Ballpark at Arlington), 5 Spring Training facilities and the minor league parks in 7 cities. It was especially fun, though, to go along with Matt and see his team play. I had hoped to see the 26 time world champion New York Yankees play while we're in Minneapolis, but it doesn't look like that's going to work out... The baseball tour will resume in June when I hope to see the San Antonio Missions unless I can fit a trip to Comerica Park in around Casey's wedding.
Until then, it's root, root, root for the Yankees!
Fun Fact #1: Take Me Out to the Ballgame recently celebrated its 100th birthday. The lyrics were written in 1908 by jack Norworth while riding a New York City subway train. He was inspired by a sign advertising a ballgame at the Polo Grounds. Albert Von Tizler set the words to music and the tune became one of the biggest hits of 1908.
Fun Fact #2: Bob Uecker is celebrating his 52nd year in professional baseball. He signed to a minor league contract with his hometown Milwaukee Braves in 1956. He played in the majors for 6 seasons (1961-1967) with four different teams (Milwaukee Braves, Cardinals, Phillies and then Braves again - but this time they were the Atlanta Braves). Since 1971 he has broadcast Brewers games on the radio. The Brewers have mounted a plaque alongside their retired numbers (#4 Molitor, #19 Yount, #34 Fingers & #44 Aaron) in his honor.
Posted by
1:55 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Appleton, WI - Tour Week #66
Tuesday, May 13th
By all indications, I love Wisconsin. Appleton was another great stop!
While Appleton is a small town (72,085 according to the "Welcome to Appleton" sign), it is the biggest city in and the center of the Fox Cities: 14 towns arranged around the Fox River. As such, it has a vibrant downtown. The Fox Cities are one of the top 50 manufacturing areas in the country due, in large part, to the paper-making industry. It is also home to Wisconsin's second largest mall and has recently become a shopping destination advertised across the state.
Load-in and our first show dominated, as they always do, Tuesday. We did get to walk around downtown Appleton on our lunch break. There were plenty of restaurants with many ethnicity's represented. Several different coffee options and lots of drinking establishments also lined College Avenue. Named for Lawrence University, College Avenue is Appleton's main drag. The University sits to the east of downtown. Lawrence is a liberal arts school founded in 1847 as one of the first coed colleges in the country. Today, the University enrolls about 1,400 students and their presence can be felt all over Appleton.
Bacon bourbon in process - the bacon fat is meant to infuse the bourbon with a smoky flavour...
The Fox River Paper Company - still making paper in Appleton
Cuz relaxing with a cigar
Berg fires up
The Spamily lines up for brats off the grill
Ryan pours a shot for Gary (King Arthur)
The customary album of photos is here.
Posted by
10:10 AM
Friday, May 9, 2008
Yet Another Funny Stage Hand Name
Friday, May 9th
In my quest to bring you, dear reader, the best of the wide array of funny stage hand names we encounter out here on the road - I give you Appleton, Wisconsin's entry:
On the fly rail works a man named: Cheeseburger.
Enjoy -
Posted by
4:38 PM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
We chased spring even farther north with the trip from Dayton to Milwaukee. It's been like going backwards in a time machine! In Milwaukee, the tulips were just about ready to bloom and the daffodils were in their glory. While many of the trees had blooms and young leaves, as many were just starting to bud. I was worried we would miss spring entirely, but Milwaukee has given me a welcome dose. The weather was also the most spring-like we've seen. It ranged from cold and wet to brilliant sunny days, though a sweatshirt was never a bad idea.
JV & SM outside the Miller Brewhouse
JV & SM with some of the free samples in the Miller Inn
After the show on Friday night, we set out in search of the Safehouse. The Safehouse is a "hidden" bar with a spy theme. Behind a facade that read "International Imports" was a small room with an "operative" who took cover money and asked for the password. If you gave the correct password, the bookcase swung open to admit you to the bar. If you gave the wrong password, you had to do some silly dance that those inside the bar could watch on closed circuit TV. Not everyone in our party knew the password, so the rest of us hurried downstairs to see the results! The bar itself was super fun. It was full of nooks and crannies and ranged from dancing (in the main room) to a bartender performing magic tricks (in the back bar) and a blackjack game (in one of the side rooms). There were are sorts of special drinks, including a martini that traveled through a vacuum tube all around the bar to be "shaken". A good cross section of the Spamily turned out and we had a great time.
Ken gave me the evening show off on Saturday night to hang out with Sheila Marie. We kept our reservation at Karl Ratzch and ate our weight in German food. Then we retired back to the Hyatt to lounge about and watch a movie. Gurr and Suzanne lured us out of the room after the show, though. We met the two of them and Ben Davis at the Old German Beer Hall for a Mai Beir (the specially produced spring variation from Hofbrau in Germany).
The weekend went by much too quickly and too soon Sheila was in a taxi on the way to the airport. I also had to pack up and checkout of the hotel on Sunday morning as I took the sleeper bus from Milwaukee to Appleton. The bus ride was a quick one (only about an hour and forty-five minutes), we waited around for everyone to finish their load-out longer than the trip itself. I was checking in to the Candlewood by 2 AM.
Jason outside our sleeper bus
We did have some unexpected fun at the show on Sunday - through a freak combination of sickness, personal days and some contractual days off, we were left one boy short. Patrick was out sick, so Nigel covered for him. Darryl was away at a wedding, so Graham covered for him. Rick was away at a bar mitzvah, but we didn't have any more swings left. Graham and Tera-Lee cooked up a plan to cover most of the important bits in the show by having Tera-Lee step in to a boy's track. Darryl's costumes were a pretty good fit for her and she stepped in to 3 numbers: Finland, Camelot and Bright Side. She was, of course, amazing and the whole company rallied around and had a good time performing with our cross-dressing knight.
With the closing in Milwaukee, we bid farewell to Piper Arpan. In addition to being one of our swings, Piper served as the Spamily Cruise Director. She arranged birthday parties and going away parties. She was always there with a hug and a smile. She was part of the glue that held the Spamily together. Most importantly, Piper was my primary Roadfood buddy. I will miss her. As her final act as Cruise Director, she arranged a party bus (complete with an on-board kegerator) to take folks on a pub crawl to celebrate 3 birthdays (Jen Mathie, Tim and Bree) in addition to her own farewell. There was a scavenger hunt of sorts with points for activities in each bar. Though I wasn't able to make it, I understand that it was a super fun time.
As I said, I really enjoyed Milwaukee. A week wasn't enough time.
An album of my photos for the week can be found here.
Bonus section: Fun With Photoshop!
Across the river from the Marcus Center is the Usinger's Sausage factory and retail outlet:
The actor who plays Sir Lancelot is Patrick Heusinger. The temptation was too much, and I broke down and created this:
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1:29 PM