I must say that I adjusted to life in Los Angeles quite happily and easily. The constant sunshine agreed with me and, despite my fears, the summertime temperatures were quite moderate for most of our stay. For the whole middle section of the Los Angeles engagement, the temperatures were cooler in LA than New York and there was next to no humidity. I didn't turn on the air conditioning for several weeks and slept with the windows of my bungalow open every night. The sun even inspired me to hit the beach - an, until now, sort of unheard of idea for me! In the middle stretch of the run, I did fewer touristy activities and just settled into a more regular rhythm - one that didn't involve my luggage.
DVZ celebrated a birthday in LA. There was the usual cake at intermission, but there was also a celebratory night on the town. David, Roy, James and I loaded up and headed out to West Hollywood to celebrate in appropriate fashion. There were shots at midnight to welcome DVZ's birthday followed by greasy hamburgers to stave off the hangover!

David ringing in another year!
I welcomed a second set of visitors to my Hollywood bungalow - Dana and Steve were in California for a wedding and paid me a visit! It was just a quick overnight affair, but it's always good to see folks from my "real life" out here in my life on the road. Our first order of business was to properly welcome them to CA with an In-N-Out Burger followed by some catching up on all the WaHi gossip. The next morning they were off to Orange County for the wedding, but I loaded them up with breakfast from one of my new favorite spots, Vienna Cafe, before they hit the road in their convertible.
Dana and Steve show off their fancy California wheels
While I certainly enjoyed some quieter hours in the bungalow, I did get out to see and do. Alexa arranged a horseback riding adventure in the Hollywood Hills that was a hoot. Sunset Ranch provided the trail horses - like all good trail horses, these beasts knew the way and would not be deterred from the path - and Griffith Park provided a dramatic setting. We set off from the ranch, which is set in the shadow of the Hollywood sign, on the first ride of the morning and were back before lunch. Our horses carried us up to the top of Mount Hollywood for a hazy view across Los Angeles on one side and the valley on the other with the Hollywood sign on Mount Lee dividing the two.
Merle and her steed atop Mount Hollywood with Mount Lee and the Hollywood sign in the distance
Angela leads the way down the backside of the mountain
The social event of the middle weeks was a poolside barbecue hosted by the Cooper-Bowens. Graham's family calls Studio City home (his sister, Andrea, is a series regular - and two time SAG Award winner - on Desperate Housewives) and were nice enough to open their home to the Spamily. We lounged by the pool while Graham manned the grill and a seemingly endless endless procession of food emerged from the kitchen.

Is this the perfect setting for an afternoon off?!?!
(Thanks to Nate for this snap)
Horseplay abounded: Nigel and Nate canon ball their way into the pool

Carissa sums up the afternoon

One of Havasi's infamous "essence shots" - the Spamily pool-side
After all that eating and lounging, I needed get up and move. The next morning I hit the hiking trails in Temescal Canyon. Temescal Canyon begins in the Santa Monica mountains and sweeps down the Pacific Ocean at Will Rogers Beach. I hiked from Temescal Gateway Park (the former site of a Methodist Chautauqua camp) up to Skull Rock and back. The first part of the hike was dry, hot and kicked my butt as I climbed one of the canyon's walls. I hiked past cactus and through scrub as the fog from the marine layer began to retreat back to the ocean. Skull rock, at the head of the canyon, was impressive: a wind cut boulder with a beautiful view across Pacific Palisades to the Pacific. The hike back to the car was much easier as I descended to the canyon's floor and followed a small stream. Like all my other hikes in California, the variety and changeability of the terrain and flora as the water comes and goes from the landscape was really fascinating.
At the top of Temescal Canyon with Skull Rock
(Alas, I didn't run into Captain Hook or Smee at Skull Rock...)
The view from the top of Temescal Canyon toward the ocean.
As I reached Skull Rock, the fog of the marine layer was retreating. Inland, the sun was shining bright while the beach was still cloudy.
Along the floor of the canyon I encountered lots of Toyon bushes.
Toyon is also known as "California Holly" and is, allegedly, the source of the name Hollywood
Back at the theatre, Spamalot was cruising right along. We bid farewell to Sarah-Lin Johnson and welcomed Nicky Della Penta. We also welcomed Matthew Greer back to the stage as Rick Holmes' short stay with us came to an end. Otherwise, it was pretty quiet:

Darryl napping inside one of the wardrobe racks
We did get a visit from an old friend: Jamie Karen, one of our former show girls, is a LA resident and dropped by the Ahmanson. When she visited, Jamie was 9 months pregnant. She wanted to try on her old showgirl costume. With the help of Roy, some elastic and safety pins, Jamie looked great as "the Orange Girl":

Shortly after her visit, Jamie and her husband Mark welcomed Kylie Scott Deklin into the world. Both mother and baby girl are doing well. Kylie arrived as big as she looked in Jamie's belly: 8 pounds 15 ounces, 20 and a half inches long.
The whole LA engagement was building to the events of weeks #6 and 7: the last visit of Wife to Spamalot on the road! More about that next time -