The Great Philly Update
Friday, March 30th
Week one in Philly was crazy, both personally and professionally.
The crew here is great. I understand that load-in was a little bit trying for our road crew. IA Local 8 is all about their rule book and asserting that they’re just as professional as any other local in the land. That said; they’ve been great to run the show with; especially in comparison to Baltimore (where, apparently, stage hands go to die).
Right from our arrival in Philadelphia, a plague has descended on the company. Sir Galahad called out on Tuesday (almost unheard of for a principal to call out on the opening night in a new city). During Tuesday’s show, Jaki (one of our traveling dressers) started vomiting backstage. She proved to be seriously ill and missed more than a week worth of shows. The plague continued on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Tony (Sir Galahad), Patrick (Lancelot), Eric (the cover for Lancelot and Galahad) and Jonathon (Ensemble) all called out at one time or another. The King and Sir Robin also caught the throat bug that was going around. Add to that several local dressers who also called out, and it was a very interesting week!
The tour celebrated its one-year anniversary with a party on Thursday night. It was quite an affair. Held at a restaurant a couple of blocks from the theatre; there were passed hors devours, a carving station, pasta, beer, wine and a DJ. It was really a good time. Everyone got dressed up for the occasion and I understand things got a little bit wild after I left.
As if the various illnesses were not enough, we were visited by our creative and management teams on Saturday. Thursday afternoon we brushed up the whole company. Saturday before the show, we all rushed around preparing for the arrival of Mike Nichols, Eric Idle, et al. Of course, they required a reception room at the theatre that had to be stocked with Evian, Fiji and Diet Coke. They arrived about an hour before the matinee and never went into their reception room! Instead they floated around the offices and dressing rooms backstage. I tried to stay out of the way. Mike, Eric and Casey (our choreographer) gave notes after both shows. The notes were mostly very positive (especially after the second show) and were very interesting to listen to (as one who wasn’t around for the creation of the show). The day kept us all on our toes almost non-stop.
Perhaps the highlight of Saturday came before the second show. The whole Spamily gathered for a group photo with Mike Nichols and Eric Idle. As we were waiting for everyone to get settled, Eric started singing the Python hit: “Sit on My Face”. There were maybe only three of us who knew all the words and could authoritatively join in. All those hours of listening to Monty Python tapes while driving around in Norman had finally paid off! Another life moment.
Thursday evening I was in the office sorting out the playbill stuffers (with all the illnesses, there were plenty last week). I bent down to pick up a box and as I stood back up, I felt a sharp pain in my lower back and saw stars. I lay on the floor for a while and took a bunch of Advil but really didn’t feel too bad (I even made it to the party on Thursday night). Friday morning, however, I couldn’t get out of bed. When I tried to stand, I fell back into bed screaming. It took four hours (sometimes crawling on the floor and often swearing) for me to get dressed and out of my hotel room. The remainder of the day was spent at the hospital (first in the Emergency Room and then where they handle Workers Comp cases). I limped out of the hospital with a muscle relaxant and some prescription strength Aleve just in time to go to work on Friday.
In the week since the sprain/strain, my back has steadily improved. Now, I mostly have soreness in my butt (though the doctor says that originates in my lower back). I’m limping less and getting around better. This morning, I woke up with a sore throat and a bunch of crap in my chest. I just can’t win!
Things have been more uneventful at work this week. Everyone is getting healthy (Jaki’s back!) and the understudies are getting a break. We’re putting in a new ensemble woman (welcome Julie Barnes). We had an understudy run through yesterday.
Next week appears that it will also be a busy one. In addition to finishing Julie’s put in (with a company stage rehearsal) and another understudy rehearsal, we’ll also start putting in another male swing. Lots of rehearsals are on the calendar for next week. I may never get to get out and see Philly!
Still hoping for a cheese steak…
Friday, March 30, 2007
The Great Philly Update
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3:54 PM
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No word about your loving wife and faithful pup running to Philly to take care of your invalid self? Tsk tsk tsk...guess we'll stay in NYC next weekend...
That's ah-ight. If your loving wife bails, you'll have me & K. Hope you'll be fully healed for some big fun.
Don't have too much fun this weekend! You need to save up for when I get to see you AND you're amazing wife! Lucky me! I cant wait!
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