Another roll of film has returned from Snapfish - you can check it out here.

Cigar Night - Cuz, Patrick & Graham
Cigar Night - Dumas, Karl & Tony P.
Ryan's Killer Rabbit Cake
Ryan's Birthday
Esther at the Portland Load-Out Pyro Party
The Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City
This isn't one of mine - Fran took this great snap of our trucks lined up in the crazy wide Salt Lake City Street. Fun Fact: to get to the loading dock at the Capitol Theatre, the trucks had to back through a parking garage and then make a ninety degree turn to the loading door...
Franklin Covey Field, home of the Salt Lake Bees
Bumble, the Salt Lake City Bees mascot.
The post-game view from my seat (through the screen). The mountains behind the center-field wall were amazing.
Keith and Vera's Birthday
Things have been quiet here the past couple of days. Thursday we had an understudy rehearsal. Friday I had an unexpected day off, but laid low. This morning, I met Mom, Dad, Cindy and Ben for a lovely breakfast before Mom and Dad took off for home. They had a great time over in Moab: they hiked, saw the arches and went white water rafting. They went on another mountain hike yesterday with Cindy. I think they really enjoyed their vacation.
Tomorrow we'll pack up the show and move over to Denver. Tomorrow evening will also mark the final performance for one of our "tall girls": Siobhan Santapaola. Happy trails, kiddo. She's returning to NYC to get married soon! Her replacement, Jen Mathie, has been rehearsing during our stay here in SLC and will make her debut on Wednesday in Denver.
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