Monday, October 15th
Week #1 in Seattle was busy, busy, busy.
Tuesday: Load-in
Wednesday: Load-in and Opening Night
Thursday: 2 Shows
Friday: Rehearsal and 1 Show
Saturday: 2 Shows
Sunday: 2 Shows
Not a lot of free time to explore the city, but my impression remains overwhelmingly positive. It's very urban feeling, but there's water, mountains and trees nearby. There are lots of restaurants, bars and shopping. I can walk to everything I need. I take the monorail to rehearsal. I'm very happy.
Today was my first real day to myself. After the long week, I really wanted an easy day off. I went down to the waterfront for lunch with Erik Hayden. We met up at Emmet Watson's Oyster Bar near the Pikes Place Market. Emmet Watson's is a homey little oyster bar. The menu is printed on brown paper bags and contains only oyster house favorites: fish and chips, chowders, clams, mussels and oysters. We washed down our seafood with some local beers and left happy men.
I wandered through the market picking up things for tonight's dinner. I got fresh fruits and veggies, cheese, a baguette and pate. I spent the balance of my day off in the kitchen putting together a big pot of corn chowder and listening to the baseball games. (Are the Rockies unstoppable?) Happiness.
I did snap a couple of photos with my cell phone this week:
Week #1 in Seattle was busy, busy, busy.
Tuesday: Load-in
Wednesday: Load-in and Opening Night
Thursday: 2 Shows
Friday: Rehearsal and 1 Show
Saturday: 2 Shows
Sunday: 2 Shows
Not a lot of free time to explore the city, but my impression remains overwhelmingly positive. It's very urban feeling, but there's water, mountains and trees nearby. There are lots of restaurants, bars and shopping. I can walk to everything I need. I take the monorail to rehearsal. I'm very happy.
Today was my first real day to myself. After the long week, I really wanted an easy day off. I went down to the waterfront for lunch with Erik Hayden. We met up at Emmet Watson's Oyster Bar near the Pikes Place Market. Emmet Watson's is a homey little oyster bar. The menu is printed on brown paper bags and contains only oyster house favorites: fish and chips, chowders, clams, mussels and oysters. We washed down our seafood with some local beers and left happy men.
I wandered through the market picking up things for tonight's dinner. I got fresh fruits and veggies, cheese, a baguette and pate. I spent the balance of my day off in the kitchen putting together a big pot of corn chowder and listening to the baseball games. (Are the Rockies unstoppable?) Happiness.
I did snap a couple of photos with my cell phone this week:

I found this one on the web. It's a pretty good representation of the interior of the Paramount. The theatre was built as a movie palace with stage shows. It's enormous (nearly 3,000 seats) and retains much of its opulence.

After the show on Thursday night a bunch of us went out to a brewpub called Six Arms. This is a shot of their brew-room.

The Washington Athletic Club hosted a party for us after the show on Friday night. There was plenty of wine, but no beer. I'd be willing to bet there aren't many photos of our crew guys all drinking wine. Cuz, Berg, Jeff and Tony.

A bunch of us went out for late night oysters last night. I snapped this photo of the Pikes Place Market on the walk home.
I also got back three rolls of film back from Snapfish. The first roll started in Salt Lake City and stretched to Denver. The second roll picked up at Cuz and Maggie's party and went through the crazy playoff ballgame. The last roll wrapped up the visit in Denver with photos from my second wardrobe road-trip. The highlights:

One last photo from Spiral Jetty: you can almost see how pink the water is in this photo.

Play-off baseball!

Deep into the thirteenth inning: Fran and her rally cap.
Rockies win!
They don't call it "Lookout Mountain" for nothin'.

Fran and the bison.

The pinkish circle in the bottom third of this photo is a fossilized dinosaur bone.
1 comment: said dinosaur BONE huh..huh
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