Sunday, February 3rd
It is a sad day in Spama-land. This evening we bid farewell to Michael Siberry and Jeff Dumas. As King Arthur and Patsy these two were the rocks at the center of our little play. They were original company members and absolute professionals. (I'm making it sound like they've died - of course, they've just left our traveling circus.)
This evening's show was an emotional one. I rarely do a show with a lump in my throat, but this evening was one of those shows. I snapped a couple of photos between cues, however. There's an album of the photos here and a couple of highlights follow:
The cast has a tradition when someone new joins or a veteran leaves. This is a peek of what goes on behind the curtain during the overture.
Brad Bradley takes over as our new permanent Patsy with our opening in Hershey on Tuesday. Christopher Gurr will wear King Arthur's crown for the next four weeks as we await the arrival of Gary Beach to take over the role in Miami. (Christopher played the role this summer while Michael was off globe trotting and is an absolutely great King.) I'm looking forward to seeing how the personnel changes change the rhythms of the show.
Michael and Jeff will be sorely missed, both onstage and off.
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