Sunday, March 30th
This Sunday, Sunday, Sunday - at the Bob Carr PAC in Orlando, Florida:
Spamalot's Battle of the Beards!
Terry Thomas, our sub-prop man, is an inspiring guy. As soon as Ken met Terry, he began proposing the Battle of the Beards. I think this photo of Terry will help you understand why:

Terry's beard is awesome.
Today was meant to be the last day that the backstage men of Spamalot shaved. The Battle of the Beards is ON. We're meant to be growing our whiskers for the next 4 weeks (through Birmingham, Greenville, Raleigh and Dayton). We'll see how many of us actually have something to show at the end of the month; but here is a rouge's gallery of the pre-growth photos:
Karl claims to only be able to grow a "neck beard" and is reticent to participate, but we're hoping to shame him into it.
Also reluctant to participate.
Mike "forgot" to shave this morning (I think the actual quote was: "I could shave or I could get laid.") but has been heard telling everyone else to "MAN UP" and join the battle.
Nate is too pretty to battle.
Ryan is all in. He shaved off his signature goatee to do battle.
Wayne is adamently not participating.
A beard AND a kilt - a fearsome combination.
Scott: Head of Props
Mark is taking off some time next week to go SCUBA diving and won't be able to start on his beard until next weekend. I think he'll be able to catch up, no problem.
Sheila Marie helped me shave off my goatee this morning (It's been seven years since I've been babyfaced!)
So, these are everybody's "before" pictures. I'll add updates as we progress. Hopefully, we can get some super fun facial hair by the time we roll into Dayton.
I am impressed with Ryan's shaving! Tell Berg to get with the program.
You all look so sweet and vulnerable.
I've let myself go a little bit but I'm going to shave off my moustache and participate.
Brill blog JV.
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